First Name: Dedicated Men of
Last Name: Zion
Email: aagreenhood@gmail.com
Phone Number: 9196272250
Mailing Address: PO box 61 Hillsborough, NC 27278
Website: https://musicmaker.org/artist/dedicated-men-of-zion/
Type Of Art: Music
Genre Of Art: Sacred Soul
Activities: Commissions, Performance Bookings, Festivals
Harmony is serious business where the Dedicated Men of Zion come from. The group’s eldest member, Anthony “Amp” Daniels, remembers how serious harmony was to his mother. Every day, she would call her children inside, turn off the television, and make them sing in harmony, talk in harmony, do everything in harmony. Singing well together was a virtue that she and her sisters had learned from their own father, and Anthony passed it on to his own children.