
Parking Information

General Information

- Paid Parking is Monday - Friday from 7:00am - 7:00pm, free on city holidays and weekends.
- There are two options for parking, on-street ($1.00 per hour) and surface lots ($0.75 per hour).
- The first 2 hours of parking are free, but you must check in with Passport or the pay station first.
- There is a max of 3 hours for on-street parking.
- Free parking is from 3rd Street to 1st Street.
- There are a couple of ways to check in for parking, Passport or a pay station. These things are not the same. 
- In passport areas you can use the app or call (252) 417-2554.
- In pay station areas, you do not use passport at all, the pay station accepts change or card.

Validation Information for Daytime Classes

Emerge Gallery & Art Center will be validating some of your time. You already get 2 free hours, but we do not want you to have to arrive late and leave early due to parking. We are going to validate 15 minutes prior to the start of your class and 15 minutes after your class. 

General Information about Validation

- Validation codes can be used through Passport only, not at the pay stations.
- Validation codes can be used through the app or by calling (252) 417-2554.
- The codes will be passed out at the beginning of class and have to be entered before your parking session ends.

Useful links

iPhone App Store
Android Google Play
Passport Parking website
Not interested in downloading the app? Passport also offers a dial-in option. Just call (252) 417-2554.

Interactive Map: https://cognc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=f733e8d2366e40afa754ad7082327259

Video of how the app works: https://youtu.be/MThHrcDET0o

Questions? Email info@emergegallery.com or call (252) 551-6947

Parking Map